
Showing posts with the label 2 Timothy 1:7

God didn't give you a Spirit of fear

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 NJKV Although the NIV ’s translation of “spirit” in this verse with a lower case s is possible (since the definite article is absent in Greek) and follows the traditional English versions (NKJV, RSV ), it is most highly improbable and quite misses both the relationship of this sentence to verse 6 as well as Paul ’s own usage and theology elsewhere.  That Paul is referring not to some “spirit” (or attitude) that God has given us (him and Timothy, but ultimately all other believers who must equally persevere in the face of hardship), but to the Holy Spirit of God is made certain by several items:  (a) the explanatory for that begins this sentence gives it the closest possible tie to verse 6;  (b) the close relationship between charisma (“gift,” v. 6) and the Spirit (v. 7) is thoroughly Pauline (1 Tim. 4:14);  (c) the words power and love are especially attributed to