
Showing posts with the label 7 day creation

BioLogos attempt at explaining Genesis creation by evolutio

Did the author of Genesis 1   intend to communicate  that God created everything in six 24-hour days, or are the days meant to be understood in some other way? The question of how to interpret the “days” in Genesis 1 has been debated for hundreds of years within the Christian church. The early chapters of Genesis were explored for their theological message (and not for scientific claims) by  many notable Christian thinkers  long before scientific evidence for the great age of the universe began to accumulate. The  diversity and sophistication of pre-modern views of Genesis  remind us that the best interpretation is not obviously six 24-hour days. Despite disagreements, all Christians believe Genesis 1 teaches that the one true God created all things and called his creation good. BioLogos affirms that Genesis, like the rest of the Bible, is the inspired and authoritative word of God. Based on a close examination of the biblical text and the cultural context in which Genesis was wr