
Showing posts with the label Abomination (Bible)

Thoughts of my heart - towards God or me?

English: The Earth was corrupt before God and filled with violence, as in Genesis 6:5: "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."; “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.” ( Genesis 6:5-6 ) These two verses, describing the incurable wickedness of the antediluvian world which finally brought on the global Flood , contain the first two of over a thousand occurrences of the word “heart” in the Bible . Note the contrast: man’s heart was evil; God’s heart was grieved. Both the Hebrew and Greek languages treated the heart as the center of a person’s being, the seat of all feelings and thoughts, and we do the same in English. The writers knew that the heart was a physi

The table of the showbread

‎Overlaid with pure gold, the table was first created to be used in the Tabernacle to hold the Bread of the Presence , also referred to as the Showbread. An important piece of furniture recreated for use in Solomon’s temple and again for the second temple , the Table of the Showbread may have been one of the Jewish treasures lost to the Romans during the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD .  BREAD OF THE PRESENCE (לחם הפנים, lchm hpnym). Twelve loaves of bread arranged in two stacks of six on the Table of the Showbread. The Table of the Showbread was located in the holy place of the tabernacle and temple. Near Yahweh ’s presence. Biblical Relevance The bread of the presence accompanied the “table of the presence” (שׁלחן הפנים, shlchn hpnym; Num 4:7), which were located in the holy place of Israel ’s central sanctuary (1 Sam 21:1–6; 1 Kgs 7:48; 1 Chr 9:32; 2 Chr 2:4; Neh 10:33). The Table of the Showbread appeared behind the veil above the mercy seat (Exod 25:22). The tabl