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Our inheritance requires faith and endurance

The land was all that the Lord had said it would be, a land flowing with milk and honey. Indeed, they had brought back with them evidence of the plenty of the land. God ’s promise was true. They carried the evidence upon their shoulders, whilst they carried unbelief in their hearts! What were the grapes? They were the earnest of their inheritance. Today, the Holy Spirit is the earnest of the believer’s inheritance, Eph. 1:13, 14; 2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5. Up to now their report had been positive. They had seen the desirability of the land and were convinced of that. Then, came the ‘nevertheless’, v. 28. They had also seen the difficulties and, in comparison with their enemies, they saw themselves as grasshoppers. What was lacking in their report was any mention of God. There was much about the walled cities, the giants, their enemies, but they had lost sight of God completely. They saw the difficulties. They did not see the Lord at all. They looked at things which were seen rather than at