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The Bible is inerrant

Quadruple combination opened to the Book of Isaiah - note the cross references between Biblical and Latter-day Saint scripture in the footnotes (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The subject at hand is the inerrancy of Scripture. We are fighting a war on two fronts. On the one hand, we are called to defend the trustworthiness of the Bible before an unbelieving world. To defend the Bible in that arena involves a certain set of challenges. The other arena is within the church itself. That should not be the case, but since the advent of higher criticism, there has been an avalanche of attacks against the trustworthiness of the Bible (both from without and from within). This session will primarily deal with defending the doctrine of the Bible to the church. There have been many methods of defense with respect to the Scriptures. The confessional method takes statements about the Scripture simply on faith. A second approach is known as presuppositionalism. This approach defends Scripture on t