What happens after death?

Pastors and theologians are often asked many questions about life in heaven. How old will we be? If I died at age 85, will I still appear to be an octogenarian? Will I recognize my family and friends in heaven? Will my dead dog or cat greet me when I enter that realm? These questions arise largely because Scripture does not us give all that much information about the intermediate state — that place where the souls of men and women go between their death and Jesus ’ return. For Christians, the intermediate state is heaven, and we are told life there is better than life in this fallen world ( Phil. 1:21–23). But the apostles give few specific details about this place. The dwelling of our souls in heaven is called the intermediate state because such existence is not the final destiny God has for His people. Christianity does not believe the physical realm is inherently evil; it is only presently suffering God’s curse due to our sin (Gen. 3:17–19). Jesus died not only to reconcile u...