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Can anyone really claim to be without blame

When you read the Psalms , do you identify with the psalmist when he claims  blamelessness  and  uprightness  and  integrity  and  righteousness ? Blamelessness Blessed are those whose way is  blameless ! (Psalm 119:1) I was  blameless  before him, and I kept myself from my guilt. (Psalm  18:23 ) I shall be  blameless , and innocent of great transgression. (Psalm  19:13 ) Uprightness My shield is with God , who saves the  upright  in heart. (Psalm  7:10 ) The  upright  shall behold his face. (Psalm 11:7) Let all the  upright  in heart exult! (Psalm 64:10) Integrity Judge me, O Lord, according to the  integrity  that is in me. (Psalm 7:8) Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in my  integrity . (Psalm 26:1) You have upheld me because of my  integrity . (Psalm 41:12) Righteousness The Lord upholds the  righteous . (Psalm 37:17) He will never permit the  righteous  to be moved. (Psalm 55:22) The Lord loves the  righteous . (Psalm 146:8) Are you among