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The Trinity debate

The Scutum Fidei, a diagram frequently used by Christian apologists to explain the Trinity. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Here is my attempt at a very brief summary of the debate and discussion surrounding the eternal functional subordination (EFS) of the Son to the Father. We all know the incarnate Son submits to the Father, but is His submission something that extends to His eternal role/relationship as Son?  Is the Son subordinate to the Father from all eternity? Is there authority and submission within the inner life of the Trinity, even before creation and redemption? Proponents of EFS say yes. Opponents say no. Opponents say submission/subordination necessarily entails two wills. To have submission, you have to have one will submitting to another. But the Triune God has only one will. Now, the incarnate Christ submits to the Father because, as the God -man, He has two wills: divine and human. However, opponents of EFS maintain that having two wills in the Godhead would