
Showing posts with the label Affair

God made a promise - the slaves doubted God

What a wonderful promise to recently emancipated slaves travelling through a wilderness, that they would live permanently and safely in their own fertile country; see Lev. 26:5! The word ‘dwell’ or abide, when used in the Bible, has at its root the idea of remaining permanently in a place, see Gen. 29:19, while its antonym (opposite) is to sojourn, as in Genesis 12:10, where we read that Abram had it in mind to stay for a short time only in Egypt. This promise of dwelling follows the Lord’s earlier declaration that, ‘I established also my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan … in which they were sojourners’, Exod. 6:4 JND . Former sojourners were to be dwellers! However, this and the other promises connected with it were conditional, as the Lord had said, ‘if ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them’, Lev. 26:3, ‘I will give you rain … peace … and make you fruitful’, vv. 4, 6, 9, and ‘I will … establish my covenant with you, v. 9. (In fact, the

Spiritual Healing in the Midst of a Husband's Addiction to Pornography

By Tim Challies . A short time ago, while posting a poem titled “ I Looked for Love in Your Eyes ,” I lamented that while there are many, many books written to help men overcome an addiction to pornography , there is very little written to help the women who have been victims of a husband ’s addiction. Shortly after I received an email from Vicki Tiede who has written just such a title. Her book, titled  Mosaic Heart: Spiritual Healing in the Midst of a Husband’s Addiction to Pornography  (working title - this will likely change) will be published by New Growth Press, probably about a year from now. I asked Vicki if, in the meanwhile, she’d be willing to do an interview to offer some words of help to women who are struggling with the effects of their husband’s sin. She was kind enough to do so. Here is what I asked her: What is the scope of this problem? How many women are struggling with the effects of a husband’s addiction to pornography? For nearly every man who regularly views po