
Showing posts with the label Agnosticism

Is God light, holy and just?

When Scripture calls God , or individual Persons of the Godhead, "holy" (as it often does:  Lev. 11: 44, 45; Josh. 24:19; 1 Sam. 2:2; Ps. 99:9; Is. 1 :4; 6:3; 41 :14, 16, 20; 57:15; Ezek. 39:7; Amos 4:2; John 17: 11; Acts 5:3, 4, 32; Rev. 15:4), the word signifies everything about God that sets Him apart from us and makes Him an object of awe, adoration, and dread to us.  It covers all aspects of His transcendent greatness and moral perfection, and is characteristic of all His attributes, pointing to the "Godness" of God at every point. The core of this truth, however, is God's purity that cannot tolerate any form of sin (Hab. 1: 13) and calls sinners to constant self-abasement in His presence (Is. 6:5). Justice, which means doing in all circumstances things that are right, is one expression  of God's holiness. God displays His justice as Lawgiver and Judge, and also as Promise keeper and Pardoner of sin. His moral law, requiring behavio

The table of the showbread

‎Overlaid with pure gold, the table was first created to be used in the Tabernacle to hold the Bread of the Presence , also referred to as the Showbread. An important piece of furniture recreated for use in Solomon’s temple and again for the second temple , the Table of the Showbread may have been one of the Jewish treasures lost to the Romans during the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD .  BREAD OF THE PRESENCE (לחם הפנים, lchm hpnym). Twelve loaves of bread arranged in two stacks of six on the Table of the Showbread. The Table of the Showbread was located in the holy place of the tabernacle and temple. Near Yahweh ’s presence. Biblical Relevance The bread of the presence accompanied the “table of the presence” (שׁלחן הפנים, shlchn hpnym; Num 4:7), which were located in the holy place of Israel ’s central sanctuary (1 Sam 21:1–6; 1 Kgs 7:48; 1 Chr 9:32; 2 Chr 2:4; Neh 10:33). The Table of the Showbread appeared behind the veil above the mercy seat (Exod 25:22). The tabl