
Showing posts with the label Al Qaeda

One of the most difficult place on earth to be a Christian

While there are many terrible places on earth to be a Christian ( Sudan , North Korea, Afghanistan, Bhutan, etc.), Pakistan is arguably the worst. Other nations persecute believers, but in Pakistan the entire country has spent generations forming a world view that values the torturing of those that claim the name of Christ. Pakistan used to have a noticeable Christian presence. Presbyterians had a sizeable school system, and those schools were largely responsible for the country’s relatively high literacy. But in 1973 Islam become the nation’s religion and the government seized those schools and replaced their teachers and curriculum. Now the Koran is required to be read and recited in all classes at all levels. When little kids learn science, they memorize passages about how Mohammad prophesied modern inventions. When they learn English, they learn it through the Koran. Meanwhile, it is illegal for Christians to touch or own the Koran. Now, 40 years later, this plan w

The Terrorist and His Porn Stash

Image via Wikipedia By Albert Mohler. The news that a huge stash of digital pornography had been discovered on the computers taken from Osama bin Laden ’s compound was big news, but it should not have been a big surprise.  As Scott Shane of The New York Times  reports, the discovery “could fuel accusations of hypocrisy against the founder of Al Qaeda , who was 54 and lived with three wives at the time of his death.” Well, he would hardly be the first married man caught with a porn stash, but in this case, Osama bin Laden had repeatedly accused the United States of immorality, with specific reference to pornography and sexualized images. In 2002, bin Laden released a ‘Letter to the American People,” in which he attacked American sexual mores. In his words: There is considerable truth in his criticism of America’s sinfully-sexualized and pornography-drenched culture, of course. Americans should be humiliated that we are known for such cultural exports to other nations. And yet, it tur