
Showing posts with the label Alabama

Are you a legalist?

A bible from 1859. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Legalism has been defined in a number of ways, but here is my attempt: Legalism is the tendency to regard as divine law things that God has neither required nor forbidden in Scripture, and the corresponding inclination to look with suspicion on others for their failure or refusal to conform. . . . 2. Do you elevate to the status of moral law something the Bible does not require? . . . Hold your conviction with passion and zeal, but do not seek to enslave the consciences of others who may disagree with you. . . . One unmistakable sign of a legalistic spirit is the tendency always to be looking for what’s wrong in other people’s lives in order to judge them, instead of looking for what’s right in order to encourage them. . . . Legalists feel good when they can identify another person’s errors. It reinforces their feelings of superiority. They actually think themselves more spiritual, more godly, and more favored and loved by God.

Ten questions about Christian dating and being single

Matt Chandler is a husband, father, lead pastor at  The Village Church  in Dallas, and author of several books, including  The Mingling of Souls: God’s Design for Love, Marriage, Sex, and Redemption . We get a lot of questions from young Christian men and women who are “not yet married.” Their season of life awakens many desires and hopes, uncertainties and insecurities, and tricky pastoral questions. To help find the right questions, we called on three not-yet-married friends who gave some time to thinking about the challenges faced by singles — Lore Ferguson, Paul Maxwell , and the recently engaged Marshall Segal. We ended up with these questions: Is My Boyfriend (or Girlfriend) Godly Enough? Is There “Too Fast” In Christian Dating? Has Facebook Ruined Dating? Should My Church Help Me Get Married ? Should I Date a Godly Girl I Do Not Find Attractive? Should a Boyfriend “Lead” His Girlfriend? Keys to Sexual Purity in Dating? When Should a Single Stop Dating? Dati

Christ makes all things new

Author: David King. And He who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also He said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” (Rev. 21:5). Surely, if this language of the risen, glorified Lord Jesus presupposes anything, in the light of John’s vision in verses 1–4, he intimates the complete renovation of all creation as the preparatory act by which God will consummate His eternal purposes for His people and bring them to their final fruition. This imagery: the new creation, the new Jerusalem , God’s communion with His Bride adorned in wedding garments, His dwelling with men, the end of sorrow, pain, and death — points to future realities awaiting the people of God in the new heavens and new earth . In a word, His work will be to make all things new. But how are we to understand these realities, and what are we to make of them as believers? Moreover, where do we as the people of God fit into the picture of this divine revelation? Whe