Why didn't God heal or answer my prayer?
Christ Blessing Little Children (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Author: Venettha Rendell. "Don’t take this wrong, but we prayed before our children were born, and all of them were born healthy.” I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to take that. We had just told a new acquaintance that our infant son, Paul, had died several years earlier, after we had already grieved three difficult miscarriages . I felt judged. According to this person speaking to me, Paul’s death and my miscarriages were easily preventable. It was simple. We hadn’t prayed enough. We had neglected to do our part. In short, we were to blame. This attitude wasn’t new to me. I had felt this mixture of judgment and pressure from the day I learned of Paul’s heart problem four months into the pregnancy. Concerned friends had rallied around, assuring me of healing for my unborn son. “Pray, believing you will receive,” they urged from James 5, “and he will be healed.” So I prayed. I fasted. I recited set prayers. I rea...