What Is Lament?
Paul the Apostle, Russian icon from first quarter of 18th cen. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Lament is the result of recognizing two truths. First, lament recognizes that evil exists and it causes suffering. A lamenter testifies that evil is a perversion and not the way God ’s good creation is supposed to be. “Woe to those,” Isaiah writes, “who call evil good” (Isaiah 5:20). Lament sees evil and calls it evil. It refuses to ignore or downplay evil or trivialize the resulting suffering. Second, lament recognizes dependence upon God because evil is beyond anyone else’s power to fix. Lament is a vigorous and faithful testimony that looks to God as the only one who can conquer evil and ultimately alleviate suffering. At its root, it is a form of struggle and protest. “Laments,” Old Testament scholar Tremper Longman says , “are prayers of sufferers who do not simply acquiesce to their suffering.” Why Should Christians Lament? To answer my church member’s question, I wanted to meditate ...