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Did Jesus break God's law?

Joseph with the Infant Jesus (c. 1635), at the Hermitage, in St. Petersburg. Oil on canvas, 126 x 101 cm. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A little over a year ago a Pastor in preached a sermon called “ It Works Both Ways .”  In short he paints a picture of a parent who finds his child with a severe head injury after having fallen off of the monkey bars. The parent scoops the child up and heads for the car. As he begins driving, he doesn’t even notice the speed limits and even if he did he wouldn’t obey them, because of his love for his child. Similarly, the pastor says “ God broke the law for love.” God after giving us the law, displayed his love by breaking it. In essence he loved us more than His own love. DID JESUS BREAK HIS FATHERS LAW? There are many problems with this theologically and philosophically but it is not my purpose in this post to detail them. Even a simple reading of a single chapter in the Gospel of Luke would show how meticulous Mary , Joseph and Jesus were in