
Showing posts with the label Alliance Defense Fund

Religious Freedoms

Image via Wikipedia There's some good news on religious liberty coming from courts in New York and Washington State this week. Our friends at the Alliance Defense Fund scored a major victory in New York City last Friday, when a federal judge said the city has to allow churches to continue holding worship services in public schools for the time being. The city evicted churches from public school buildings in February, but the judge said churches are likely to prevail in court based on the First Amendment's promise of religious freedom. The churches, which serve primarily low-income and ethnic congregations, should be allowed to continue renting empty school buildings from the city on weekends, the judge said—just as every other community group is allowed to do. Also last week, a federal judge in Washington said a state regulation forcing pharmacists to dispense possible abortion-causing drugs against their religious convictions was unconstitutional. In fact, the rule was