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The state of faith

John 6 records two eventful days in the incarnate life of Jesus Christ . The miracle of the feeding of the five thousand occurred on the first day. That day also ended with another miracle, that of Jesus walking on the water . The second day was a bit different. This day was filled with teaching, and it was teaching that was not well received by the great crowds. Jesus stood before this crowd and identified Himself as the bread of life and as the exclusive way to His Father (John 6:35-40). The crowd was not buying it. They responded "Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know?" (John  6:42 ). Jesus declared Himself to be one thing. The crowds decided that He was another. By the end of this second day, those great crowds had dwindled.  The hard sayings were too much, and Jesus was left with the twelve . So He put the question to them. Do you, the twelve, want to leave (6:67)? Peter spoke for the group. There is nowhere else for us to