
Showing posts with the label Amazon

No God, Baal, Twitter and Climate Change

The oneness of God is under relentless assault today — though not in the way we might expect. At least in the West, very few try to make a public case for traditional polytheism. There is little pressure in the mainstream to affirm many gods (at least not formally). Rather, the pressure which continues to rise with each generation, and each passing year, is the pervasive assumption of secularism — the pressure to sideline any talk of the one God and live together as though there were none. In the ancient world, various pantheons of gods abounded. In Canaan. In Egypt. In Babylon. In Athens. In Rome. Everywhere God’s strange monotheistic people turned, they encountered polytheists. They were tempted incessantly to adopt the world’s gods to try and improve their lives. Against this pressure, the Hebrew Scriptures, again and again, assert the oneness, and supremacy, of the true God, not many gods. But today, the mounting social pressure is to believe in (or at least to live as if

Free Books from RC Sproul

To further help Christians know what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it, and how to share it, in May 2013 we made the ebook editions of R.C. Sproul 's  Crucial Questions  series free forever.  We continue to publish new ebooks in this series and this year have added  Are People Basically Good? ,  How Can I Be Blessed? , and  How Should I Think about Money? Here is a complete list of the free ebooks in the  Crucial Questions  series: Are People Basically Good?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks )  NEW Are These the Last Days?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Have Joy in My Life?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Know God's Will?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Lose My Salvation?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Trust the Bible

New Christian Books and a review by Tim Challies

Truth Matters: Confident Faith in a Confusing World by  Andreas Kostenberger , Darrell Bock , & Josh Chatraw .  It’s not difficult to see how this book matters. “Here is how leading experts describe our church kids today: They are unarmed and incapable of defending their faith. They possess a faith that cannot withstand the scrutiny of trials or intellectual questions. They have a shallow belief system. They lack a robust faith. They haven’t learned how to think. They are embarrassingly ignorant of our faith. Easy to read yet loaded with meat and substance, this book is a level-headed reaction to those who equate Christian faith with ‘blind faith,’ even those whose subtle or stated goal is to separate students from their religious traditions. Readers will discover the kind of historical information and thinking skills that build a sturdy backbone of confidence in high schoolers and young adults, making them able to defend by ‘reasoned faith’ what the Bible claims as truth.”