
Showing posts with the label Amazon Kindle

Does God control catastrophes?

English: no original description (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) We love to highlight God ’s sovereign control over every detail, when extraordinary deliverances occur. But what about all the many-times rescue from danger is not supplied? Tsunamis, earthquakes, crime incidents, epidemic diseases, political turmoil, car accidents…the list on this sin-cursed planet is unending. Is God still in perfect control in those situations? The Bible’s answer is unequivocally YES! God is never asleep at the wheel of his creation. He never overlooks a detail, misses a beat, or leaves events to chance. He is on his throne, ruling his kingdom with absolute authority. So when “bad things” happen, we need to filter them through the grid of acknowledging that God is not only in control but that he is good. Here are six verses that undeniably demonstrate this biblical teaching: Job 1:21 The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord. Job 2:10 Shall we receive good from Go

Free Books from RC Sproul

To further help Christians know what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it, and how to share it, in May 2013 we made the ebook editions of R.C. Sproul 's  Crucial Questions  series free forever.  We continue to publish new ebooks in this series and this year have added  Are People Basically Good? ,  How Can I Be Blessed? , and  How Should I Think about Money? Here is a complete list of the free ebooks in the  Crucial Questions  series: Are People Basically Good?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks )  NEW Are These the Last Days?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Be Sure I'm Saved?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Have Joy in My Life?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Know God's Will?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Lose My Salvation?  ( Kindle ) ( iBooks ) (Español  Kindle ) (Español  iBooks ) Can I Trust the Bible

How to defend the gospel?

English: Ananias restoring the sight of Saint Paul (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel .” ( Philippians 1:17 )   Many Christians today decry the use of apologetics or evidences in Christian witnessing, feeling it is somehow dishonoring to the Lord or to the Scriptures to try to defend them.   But as our text indicates, the apostle Paul did not agree with this. The gospel does need defending, and he was set for its defense against the attacks of its adversaries. He also told his disciples that “in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my grace” ( Philippians 1:7 ).   The Greek word translated “defense” is  apologia , from which we derive our English word “apologetics.” It is a legal term, meaning the case made by a defense attorney on behalf of a defendant under attack by a prosecutor. Thus, the apostle is saying: “I am set to give an apologetic for the gospel—a logical,

Don't follow the wrong rabbit

John Gibson Paton (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In November 2012, 530 runners were poised on the starting line for the Heaton Harriers 10km race through Newcastle, England . As is customary a cyclist familiar with the route—or “rabbit” as it is quaintly known—was employed to ride just ahead of the frontrunners to lead them. The rabbit, wearing a conspicuously fluorescent yellow top, pedalled ahead moments before the starting pistol sounded. At the bang the racers charged off enthusiastically. However, shortly after the rabbit and a small pack of frontrunners crested a blind rise and turned left, a local cyclist who perchance was donned in a fluorescent yellow cycling top pedalled briefly onto the route and then turned right. The obliging runners dutifully followed him on a meandering, seemingly random route through Newcastle until the biker serendipitously crossed the actual route again, having taken what was in effect a substantial shortcut. The man who thought he was