
Showing posts with the label American Association

Marriage Today?

The secret of a happy marriage has changed, reports the UK ’s Independent in a story on a recent presentation to the American Association for the Advance of Science. In former times, marriage was for food, shelter, and physical safety. Then, as society moved from a rural economy to an industrial one, marriage involved men as providers, women as homemakers. Now, in our post-industrial world, marriage is all about each partner finding their own potential. The argument, such as it is, is replete with the usual portentous gibberish about “inner cores,” “core essence,” “voyages of self-discovery , “ and “finding oneself.” I confess I find it very hard to take seriously anyone who uses the words “voyage” or “journey,” other than to refer to physical movement from geographical Point A to geographical Point B. And as to self-discovery, I recall going to Morocco in 1987 in order to “find myself,” only to come to the startling conclusion that I had known where I was all the time, located in