
Showing posts with the label Andrew

Did God make me this way?

Onion Skin ID (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) [This post is courtesy of Phillip Jensen , Dean of St Andrew's Cathedral in Sydney .] The nature/nurture debate is as endless as the determinist/freedom dispute. The safe position to adopt combines both nature and nurture. Yet that doesn’t end the debate; it simply moves the discussion onto the character of the combination. Scientific research will not bring a resolution. Not simply because the question is large and complex and the research is narrow and detailed, but because the reason for the debate is the implications of its outcomes. The ‘nature people’ have a desire to demonstrate that behaviour, especially bad behaviour, is nobody’s fault because it is inbuilt into our very being. Chauvinists use this reasoning to argue for inherited sexual differences that will excuse their behaviour towards women, just as much as homosexuals use it to justify their behaviour towards men. The ‘nurture people’ are the cultural relativists who de

Do you introduce people to Jesus like Andrew?

Jesus, followed by Simon Peter and Andrew (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The twelve apostles included “ Andrew ” ( Matt. 10:2). Leading others to Christ should be a top priority in your life. Andrew was Peter’s brother and a native of Bethsaida of Galilee. From the very start we see him leading people to Christ—beginning with his own brother. The Gospel of John records his first encounter with Jesus : “John [the Baptist ] was standing, and two of his disciples [Andrew and John], and he looked upon Jesus as He walked, and said, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God !’ And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. … One of the two who heard John speak, and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter ’s brother. He found first his own brother Simon, and said to him, ‘We have found the Messiah’ (which translated means Christ). He brought him to Jesus” (John 1:35–37, 40–42). Later Jesus called both Andrew and Peter to become His disciples, and they immediately left their fishing ne

Are you prepared to serve another?

Martyrdom of Saint Andrew (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The twelve apostles included “ Andrew ” ( Matt. 10:2). Andrew is a picture of all believers who humbly minister behind the scenes. It’s been said that no one likes playing second fiddle, but that wasn’t Andrew’s perspective at all. Growing up in the shadow of an aggressive, outspoken brother like Peter would be a challenge for anyone. Even in the Biblical record Andrew is known as “ Simon Peter ’s brother” (e.g., John 1:40). Yet when Andrew met Jesus , his first response was to tell Peter, knowing full well that once Peter became a disciple he probably would run the group. But Andrew was a truly humble man who was more concerned about bringing people to Christ than about who was in charge. Andrew’s faith and openness prompted him to take advantage of every opportunity to lead others to Christ. He knew that the Lord ’s primary mission was to “the lost sheep of the house of Israel ” (Matt. 10:6), but he led Gentiles as well as