
Showing posts with the label Apollo

How did Paul handle the Corinth church problems?

Säulenreste in Korinth (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) For I do not wish to see you now on the way; but I hope to stay a while with you, if the Lord permits (1 Cor. 16:7). This passage provides some insight into Paul’s activity as an apostle. First, we see his unwavering resolve to stick to his original plans to go to Macedonia . As we discovered earlier in the Corinthian epistle, there were those who thought Paul was trying to run from his duties by not coming to the troubled church at Corinth . It must have been tempting for Paul to change his plans in order to vindicate himself, but he did not do this. Instead, he wrote a letter (this first epistle) to address the many problems at Corinth. He had other business that was more pressing, and he would not allow the taunts of squabbling men to disrupt his prior commitments. This is a good lesson for any Christian , that no matter how much we may be accused by others of neglecting what they deem as more important, we must remain committe