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English: Abraham Kuyper 日本語: アブラハム・カイパー (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In 1905, Abraham Kuyper , the Dutch statesman and theologian, set forth on a journey around the Mediterranean Sea , visiting 80 sites and cities in 20 countries. His travels brought him to ancient lands and some of the most revered sites of Christianity . They also brought him face-to-face, for the first time, with the Islamic world . When he returned, he wrote a series of reflections on his travels, now captured in a newly translated volume, On Islam , which includes select writings from his original two-volume work, Om de Oude Wereldzee (Around the Old World -Sea). Through these writings, we see Kuyper’s unique theological and cultural perspective applied across his individual encounters in the Muslim world, as well as to Islam itself. As editor James D. Bratt explains in the book’s introduction, the collection “aims to show how an outstanding thinker from a century ago spoke to a now-pressing issue in our own ag