
Showing posts with the label Attributes of God

Don't ignore this attribute of God

The perfections of God are not like a pie, as if we sliced up the pie into different pieces, lovebeing 10 percent, holiness 15 percent, omnipotence 7 percent, and so on.  Unfortunately, this is how many Christians talk about God today, as if love, holiness, and omnipotence are all different parts of God, God being evenly divided among His various attributes. Some even go further, believing some attributes to be more important than others. This happens most with divine love, which some say is the most important attribute, what they might call the biggest piece of the pie. But such an approach is deeply problematic, as it turns God into a collection of attributes. It even sounds as if God were one thing and His attributes another, something added to Him, attached to who He is. Not only does this approach divide up the essence of God, but it potentially risks setting one part of God against another. (For example, might His love ever oppose His justice?) Sometimes this error is under

God is without limit

Thinking that none has access to the secrets of our hearts, we lust, envy, hate, and covet. But what we naively think to have concealed successfully behind the veil of the soul is but an open book before Him with whom we have to do: “O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD” (Ps. 139:1–4). But might there not be some secluded hideaway, some remote corner of the universe to which even the Deity has no access? Might we not there sin freely? Might we not there sin secretly? But where is “there”? “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me,

God is invisible and spiritual

The power of invisibility is cool if you are a superhero, but it can have some disadvantages if you are a supreme being. For example, skeptics assert that God does not exist because we cannot see Him. But the fact of God’s invisibility does not limit His ability to make Himself known, nor does it inhibit His power to reveal His strength and His presence. The Bible describes God as invisible with statements such as: “No one has ever seen God” (John 1:18) and “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever” (1 Timothy 1:17). Because humans don’t have much experience with invisibility, we tend to think that anything we can’t see doesn’t have much substance. After all, our thoughts are invisible, but they vanish at the slightest distraction, perhaps never to be recaptured. But being invisible doesn’t imply that God is a wispy, ethereal essence without substance. Like a violent wind, you might not see Him approaching, but He can make Hi

What are the attributes of God?

The Attributes of God Justice and Righteousness (92 links)  K nowability of God (75 links)  Omniscience (24 links)  Names of God (18 links)  Knowability of God (75 links)  Studies and Series (20 links)  The Decree of God (61 links)  The Foreknowledge of God (206 links)  The Goodness of God (48 links)  The Providence of God (287 links)  The Patience of God (24 links)  The Solitariness of God (4 links)  The Aseity (Self-Existence) of God (32 links)  The Immutability of God (39 links)  The Wisdom of God (24 links)  The Supremacy of God (37 links)  The Holiness of God (159 links) Time and God (26 links)  The Love of God (114 links)  The Glory of God (141 links)  The Mercy of God (91 links)  The Power of God (52 links)  The Simplicity of God (17 links)  The Sovereignty of God (216 links)  The Will of God (287 links)  The Wrath of God (73 links)  Trinity (251 links) The Faithfulness of God (34 links)    Related articles Wh

God's attributes of holiness, wrath, righteousness, blessedness

The attributes of God : Glory, Jealousy, omnipresence , truthfulness, beauty, goodness, knowledge, peace, unity, blessedness, holiness, love, perfection, will, eternity, immutability, mercy, righteousness, wisdom, freedom, invisibility, omnipotence , spirituality, wrath. Author of chart Tim Challies Related articles Great Admonition From Tim Challies ( Enlightenment, Money & Fulfilment / Enlightenment, Self-Effort & God's Grace ~ Maharishi ( You must not be overwhelmed with the foolishness of some of our leaders. In the midst of your trouble - Remember: God said, "I change not." ( Image of God by Christa Wells and Nicole Witt - Music Review and Giveaway ( Tim Challies' Blog and The Next Story ( President Obama, do not us the name of Jesus in vain. The LORD is high above all nations and His glory is above