
Showing posts with the label Audience

Why people don't go to church today?

Cathedral Cathédrale Strasbourg (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) View of GGWO Sunday morning church service from the AV/IT/WEB studio. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Church service (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Most people don’t go to church anymore. And the minority who do regularly attend and appreciate weekly services fit a certain profile. They’re the church- inclined . This shrinking minority differs from the majority in several ways: Audience-Oriented. They appreciate a good presentation from the stage. They prefer to passively listen while the paid professionals on the stage do the work. Similar to theater-goers, they may judge the “performance” based on how well they are entertained or engaged. Anonymous. They often seek anonymity. They like being part of a faceless crowd. They don’t necessarily want to be noticed—or known. They appreciate churches that keep the spotlight on the performers on stage, that allow the audience to sit quietly in the dark, so to speak. Authority-Centered.