
Showing posts with the label Bad Astronomy

Non-Biblical Reasons why you should not exist?

Deutsch: Porträt von Hermann Weyl (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) I always marvel at articles like this that go right to the edge of demanding the existence of God but then ascribe it all to chance or fate or luck or something else. Just not God. Author: Dave Goldberg. You’re almost unfathomably lucky to exist, in almost every conceivable way. Don’t take it the wrong way. You, me, and even the most calming manatee are nothing but impurities in an otherwise beautifully simple universe. We're lucky life began on Earth at all, of course, and that something as complex as humans evolved. It was improbable that your parents met each other and conceived you at just the right instant, and their parents and their parents and so on back to time immemorial. This is science’s way of reminding you to be grateful for what you have. But even so, I have news for you: It's worse than you think. Much worse. Your existence wasn’t just predicated on amorousness and luck of your an