
Showing posts with the label Balak

Holy Spirit dealth with God's enemies

The Prophet Balaam and the Ass, by Rembrandt van Rijn, 1626. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The Holy Spirit was not only able to deal with Moses and the people of Israel ; He was able to deal with their enemies as well. To reach the plains of Moab across the Jordan from Jericho, the Israelites went around the country of Moab. Then they moved north and won great victories over the people of Gilead and Bashan on the east side of the Jordan River . King Balak was afraid he would be next ( Numbers 22:2, 3). He was wrong, of course; the next step would be for Israel to cross the Jordan into the Promised Land; but Balak did not know that. He did realize, however, that Israel did not win their victories because of superior numbers or equipment. It had to be what Israel was saying it was: their God was with them. Balak determined, therefore, that the only way to stop Israel was to turn their God against them. So he sent messengers in all directions looking for someone who had power with J

What was Balaam's mistake?

Balaam and the angel, painting from Gustav Jaeger, 1836. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “Woe unto them! for they . . . ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward.” ( Jude 1:11 ) Balaam is a very complex character recorded in Numbers 22–24. He is cited for an ability to communicate with “the LORD” and had a reputation for accurate prophecy ( Numbers 22:6-8 ). As the new nation of Israel traveled northward into the Sinai Peninsula , Balak the king of Moab became worried that Israel would subjugate his nation and recruited Balaam to curse them. Balaam “loved the wages of unrighteousness” ( 2 Peter 2:15 ) but was astute enough to know that he could not talk God into doing anything God did not want to do! But even though Balaam was aware of the dangers of getting involved on the wrong side of God’s work, he wormed and squirmed through several interchanges with God until he was finally allowed to go. “God’s anger was kindled” at the stubbornness of this man, and the famous in

Be very aware of Balaam

Image via Wikipedia "O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim unto Gilgal ; that ye may know the righteousness of the LORD." ( Micah 6:5 )   Three New Testament writers have left us sober warnings concerning Balaam. Peter warned against "the way of Balaam"; Jude, against "the error of Balaam"; and John, against "the doctrine of Balaam" ( 2 Peter 2:15 ;  Jude 11 ;  Revelation 2:14 ). God evidently considers these warnings necessary and appropriate for Christians even today. Yet Balaam, in his day, was a genuine prophet (note  2 Peter 2:16 ), possessed great knowledge concerning God, and even received direct revelations from God. What, therefore, were his way, his error, and his doctrine?   "The way of Balaam" was a readiness to prostitute his high spiritual gifts and privileges for "the wages of unrighteousness" ( v. 15 ); being willing to pre

Famous Balaam

Image via Wikipedia Balaam the prophet, was a good example of how dangerous it is to pursue fame in God ’s work. Balaam was known for getting answers from God. But caught up with his own notoriety, he pursued a course of action with Balak that God deemed reckless.  It took divine intervention to get Balaam to wake up and stop a course of action that would dishonor God and God’s people, and put Balaam himself in mortal danger. At least Balaam’s donkey knew enough to take God at His word. Related articles Knowing When to Quit ( WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT "THE STORY OF BALAAM" WHICH PATH ARE YOU TAKING ? MAN OR DONKEY'S WAY (via THE CUP OF SALVATION) ( What Does the Bible Say About "The Story of Balaam" Which Path Are You Taking ? Man or Donkey's Way ( Chapter-a-Day Numbers 22 ( Balak: the message and the messenger (