
Showing posts with the label Banking in Switzerland

Profit and Loss

The human soul (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” ( Matthew 16:26 ) In these materialistic days, many people have become abnormally occupied with investments and returns, capital gains and losses, balance sheets and cash flows. This is nothing new, of course. The prevalence of covetousness is so universal, in one form or another, that God had to place a prohibition on it in the Ten Commandments . The Lord Jesus made a heart-searching comparison one day, when He posed a surprising question relative to divine bookkeeping. Not even the riches of all the world could purchase one human soul , yet men often seem willing to sacrifice their souls in pursuit of riches. Is such an exchange really a sound investment? Merely to ask the question is to answer it. Earning wealth is good, if it is acquired honorably and by the will of God, but coveting wealth and ho

Wikileaks and Judgement

Image via Wikipedia I feel that many of the disclosures that we have been receiving through  Wikileaks  were better left unearthed. Diplomats should have the freedom to air their opinions and express their hunches, before crucial decisions are made, without these going public.  However, this is an instructive foretaste of a terrifying disclosure which will take place some day! Whoever thought that money stashed in secret accounts Swiss banks would be made public? The Bible says, "For God   will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil" ( Eccl. 12:1). Related articles Government to Defend Tactics of WikiLeaks Probe ( The Swiss Bank Whistleblower Just Got Arrested For Handing Documents To Wikileaks ( UPDATE 6-Swiss arrest ex-banker for giving data to WikiLeaks ( US government to defend tactics in WikiLeaks probe ( US government to defend tactics in WikiLeaks probe