
Showing posts with the label Baptism with the Holy Spirit

Jesus words are life giving Spirit?

When we focus all of our attention on the flesh of Jesus either by a statue etc, then the real significance of Jesus is missed, and the kinds of objections raised both by ‘the Jews’ and by ostensible disciples quickly surface - namely eat my body and drink my blood when misunderstood becomes a misdirection. But if flesh does not give life, what does? One of the clearest characteristics of the Spirit in the Old Testament is the giving of life (e.g. Gn. 1:2; Ezk. 37:1ff.; cf. Barrett, HSGT, pp. 18–23).  The Spirit gives life.  Jesus says in John 6:63 - the words I have spoken to you are spirit (i.e. they are the product of the life-giving Spirit ) and they are life (i.e. Jesus’ words, rightly understood and absorbed, generate life —5:24). To feed on Christ is to feed on Christ’s words, enabled by the Holy Spirit.  Before I was unregenerate unable to hear or understand jesus words and the Spirit gave me life now I can understand and consume Jesus word giving me life Carson, D. A. (1991)

What is sound doctrine?

As he approached the final days of his ministry, the Apostle Paul set his thoughts on the future well-being of Timothy, his "beloved child" in the faith (2 Tim. 1:2). He wrote to him about the things that matter most for life and ministry. Not only did Paul commend to his young protégé the glorious gospel of God (vv. 8–10) and the divinely inspired Scriptures ( 3:16 –17), but he also instructed Timothy regarding the importance of sound doctrine: "Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus .  By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you" ( 1:13 –14). According to Paul, doctrine is among the things that matter most for the well-being of the Christian and the church. Sound, or "healthy," doctrine provides a pattern that, when followed, promotes healthy faith and love. Sound doctrine is a valuable heritage that is to be treasured in this gene

Don't fear sharing your faith

Many Christians can be very intimidated when talking to atheists, but if we trust in God ’s Sovereignty and His Word, we don’t need to fear anyone. Here are five confidence-inducing reasons why you don’t need to fear to share the Gospel with an atheist. They do believe in God Perhaps the scariest part of talking with an atheist is the fact that they say that they don’t believe God exists . And Christians can have a hard time, or better yet, an impossible time proving that He does. So often, Christians forget what the Bible says about those who deny God. The Bible is clear that many people do deny God, but Romans 1 gives us the reason why. Paul says in Romans  1:18 , “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.” The Bible clearly says that men know that God exists, but that they

How to endure in ministry

Regarding ministry longevity, we can look at the apostle Paul ’s life, where he gives nine characteristics of an enduring ministry. To endure in ministry, the New Covenant is embraced as superior. It’s fitting that this first point is deeply theological. How does it promote an enduring ministry? The Old Covenant was the Law, which exposed men to sin and condemnation and could not save. The New Covenant of the Person and work of Christ is different. It brings life, righteousness, and salvation. And, it is the everlasting covenant. Further, the New removes the veil of the Old. The New Covenant is also Christ centered. Thus, it centers on him who is the fullness of redemptive history. Finally, the New Covenant is empowered by the Holy Spirit . He is endowing God ’s work of the New Covenant in redemptive history at this time. When we embrace these things, we are rightly positioned for a ministry empowered by the true God, which is key to an enduring ministry. To endure in minis

Believers are people fo the light not darkness

“Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:5 ) It may be significant that most of the days during the year which have been considered to have some special meaning are observed as “Days”—for example, Independence Day , Veterans Day , Thanksgiving Day , etc. Those observed mainly at night—such as Halloween and New Year’s Eve , tend to emphasize frivolity or even sinfulness. Christmas Eve may be an exception, but this celebration (December 25) rarely notes the real reason for Christ ’s incarnation. It is for good reason that darkness has become a term referring not only to absence of daylight but also to absence of moral light. Many biblical references make this connection. Note just a sampling. “The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light” ( Romans 13:12 ). “For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be dr

Hope Spiritual Power is lost

Any discussion of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit , and the power which results from it would be incomplete if attention were not called to the fact that spiritual power may be lost. One of the strangest and saddest stories of the Old Testament history is that of Samson . It is also one of the most instructive. He was by far the most remarkable man of his day. The grandest opportunities were open to him, but after striking temporary victories, his life ended in tragic failure, all through his own inexcusable folly. Time and again it is said of him that “the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him,” and in the power of that Spirit he wrought to the astonishment of his people and the discomfiture of the enemies of the Lord; but in Judges 16:19, 20, we see him deserted of the Lord, though unconscious of it, his strength gone from him, and he about to be taken into wretched captivity, the sport of the godless, and to die with the enemies of the Lord a violent and dishonored death

Fresh fillings with the Holy Spirit

In the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles , fourth verse, we read: “They were all filled with the Holy Ghost , and began to speak,’ etc. This was the fulfilment of Acts 1:5. “Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.” One of those mentioned by name as being “filled with the Holy Ghost,’ (Acts 2:4,) or “baptised with the Holy Ghost’ (Acts 1:5), at this time was Peter . Turning over to the fourth chapter, the eight verse, we read: “Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them,” etc. Here Peter experienced a new filling with the Holy Spirit . Again, in the thirty-first verse of the same chapter, we read: “When they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.”  Peter is named as one of this company (verses 19 and 23), so we see that Peter here experienced a third filling with the Holy Spirit. It is evident that it is not sufficient that one be once “baptized with the Holy Spi

How to obtain the Baptism with the Holy Spirit

We have now come to a place where there is a deep sense that we must be baptized with the Holy Spirit . The practical question confronts us: how can we obtain this baptism with the Holy Spirit which we so sorely need? This question also the Word of God answers very plainly and very explicitly. There is pointed out in the Bible a path, consisting of seven simple steps, which anyone who will can take, and whoever takes these seven steps will, with absolute certainty, enter into this blessing. This statement may seem very positive, but the Word of God is equally positive regarding the outcome of taking these steps which it points out. All seven steps are stated or implied in Acts 2:38 : “ Repent ye, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” The first three steps are brought out with especial definiteness and distinctness in this verse. The others, which are clearly implied in the