
Showing posts with the label Before God

God created us in his image

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them ( Genesis 1 :27). What does it mean to be made in the image of God? Mormonism maintains that human beings are the literal offspring of “God” and that “God” exists in a body. Because Christianity believes in creation ex nihilo , such unsubstantiated Mormon -like beliefs have no place in our faith. God created the physical universe and thus cannot Himself be physical. The traditional Christian view of the image of God distinguishes between His image in the broader and narrower senses. In the broader sense, man is the image of God in all that he is, with the result that he governs the creation. In the narrower sense, man is to image God’s holiness and righteousness. Thus, it is held that when man sinned, he lost the image in the narrow sense, but retained it in the broad sense. This position’s strong point emphasizes the spiritual and moral characteristics at the core of hu