
Showing posts with the label Benedictine

Will 2012 Christians withdraw into private worship?

Image via Wikipedia Ever since the New Testament epistles were written, Christians have received advice on how to live the Christian life . How much should we pray? What progress can we expect to make in achieving biblical holiness in this life? Is perfection an attainable goal? Is Christianity best lived out in normal circumstances of family, marriage, and vocation, or in hermit-like isolation from others or in communities specially formed for the purpose of cultivating prayer, worship, and work? As persecution of the early church died out and Christians gained freedom of worship in the Roman Empire , the monastic life originated as a lay movement offering specific answers to these questions. With martyrdom no longer a means by which people could demonstrate the Gospel’s demands of self-sacrifice, many believers found the sinful condition of Roman culture so oppressive that they “dropped out” of society altogether. They sought to express the spirit of ascetic devotion through mo


Image via Wikipedia Anselm held the position of archbishop of Canterbury from 1093 to 1109. A Benedictine monk , philosopher, and theologian, he stands as one of the most significant thinkers in the history of the Western church . While Anselm's name is widely known, his impact is not.  His influence is not due to the sheer volume of his writings but to his ability to expound profound subjects biblically and thoughtfully in just a few words.  In general, the assumption exists that to make a significant contribution to the body of literature that shapes scholarly thought requires the production of massive tomes. Anselm’s impact completely overthrows this notion. Related articles Yet thou art truly sensible ( February 25th ( The Christus Victor Theory of the Atonement ( St. Anselm Exploration Co. Accused Of Ponzi Scheme By SEC ( Anselm Kiefer's Controversy (joest