
Showing posts with the label Bereans

Study scripture - get approved

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God , a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” ( 2 Timothy 2:15 ) Teaching God’s Word of truth properly and effectively is not play; it is hard work! The command to “study” means, literally, to “labor earnestly.” There are far too many unprepared teachers of the Bible today, not even to mention false teachers. “My brethren, be not many masters [that is, ‘don’t many of you try to be teachers’], knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation” ( James 3:1 ). A workman who has presented himself for testing, and has then passed the test, is an “approved” workman, and he will certainly have spent much time training in his profession before presuming to make application for a job. In this most important of all vocations, it is vital that the Word be “rightly divided,” for if, when the test comes, he cannot do this, he will “be ashamed” for having the presumption to engage in such a vital occupation witho

John MacArthur says half billion Christians are blaspheming the Holy Spirit

Cover of Charismatic Chaos As we address the contemporary Charismatic movement , we are addressing a subject that has been a concern of MacArthur’s for many years and decades. Back in the early days of his ministry he saw the early beginnings of the movement and was deeply concerned. He has addressed it many times since then, first in a series 40 years ago, and later in the book  Charismatic Chaos . When people ask MacArthur for his view on the biggest issue in the church, he always says it is the lack of discernment since, sadly, a great number of those who profess Christianity are lacking in discernment. The purpose of this conference is to be like the Bereans by looking at the work of the Holy Spirit through the lens of Scripture. He hopes to address it lovingly and compassionately, but in a straightforward way. What is the scope of the issue? There are half a billion professed charismatics on the planet. He pointed out that we feel great freedom to confront Mormons and

Apostle Paul: watch then do!

Saint George Preca has been likened as a successor to Saint Paul's evangelical work on the island of Malta. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you." ( Philippians 4:9 ) From earliest childhood, we learn by watching the actions and lives of others. First, of course, our parents, then our peers and educators, politicians, business leaders, musicians, celebrities--the list is nearly endless. We learn by what we receive, hear, and see. Jesus said, "They shall be all taught of God" ( John 6:45 ). The foundational learning process that enables the receiving and hearing of further truth must come first from God, through His Word and by the born-again believer. Paul's young protégé, Timothy , first learned from his mother and grandmother about God, and then under Paul's tutelage from the Scriptures ( 2 Timothy 1:5 ;  3:15 ). But the key to