
Showing posts with the label Bible book

Is revelation important?

People tend to talk more about the book of Revelation than about the message of the book. Many people hear Revelation and, like a word association test, their minds immediately go to their position on the millennial reign of Christ. Most recently when a congregant heard that I was there to speak on Revelation, he felt compelled to identify himself as a premillennialist, as though that settled the matter and satisfied the book’s purpose.  On another occasion, a member of the congregation lingered to inform me that he was a staunch partial preterist. He went so far as to say that Revelation cannot be understood apart from an early date for its writing. While hermeneutical approaches and questions of date are worthwhile considerations, are they necessary to glean benefits from the book of Revelation?  I believe that our Lord’s message to us in the book is apparent apart from these considerations, and a preoccupation with them can lead us to miss the substance our Lord has for us. A PASTOR