
Showing posts with the label Biblical Magi

Who was the Least in God's Kingdom?

“I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he” (Luke 7:28). While in prison, John the Baptist experienced doubts about Jesus. Remember, this happened before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit , and John did not have the kinds of “spiritual reserves” that believers enjoyed after Pentecost . He sent his own followers to ask Jesus if He really was the promised Messiah . Jesus replied that they should tell John that “the blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor” (Luke 7:22). After John’s disciples had left, Jesus began to praise John as the greatest of the Old Testament prophets . He told the crowd that John was in fact “more than a prophet,” because he was the promised forerunner of the Messiah (Luke 7:26–27). Then Jesus stated, “among those born of women there is no one greater th

Maranatha - will Christ return?

Ministry of the Apostles, a complex multi-figure icon with a full-height image of Jesus Christ, surrounded by sectors with scenes of His disciples' calling, ministry and martyrdom. Icon from the Yaroslavl Museum Preserve. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Three days after the crucifixion, Jesus rose from the grave. In the weeks that followed, He appeared to His disciples on numerous occasions, explaining to them why His death had been necessary as the Savior of the world . The Lord interacted with His followers for forty days after His resurrection, appearing to as many as five hundred at one time. The resulting anticipation was high because the hope that had died on the cross had risen again — there was no longer any room for doubt. Nearly six weeks later, Christ assembled His disciples on the Mount of Olives for one last lesson. As they gathered around Him, He instructed them, “You shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem , and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest p

Hope Shines Through

HOPE SHINES THROUGH: THIS SUNDAY DEC 18TH 10AM The Magi / Wise men followed the star and came to worship the King of the Jews . This   Christmas , we have the opportunity to find renewed hope and joy in the overwhelming love of a God who is with us. Join us as we celebrate the birth of the one who brings peace  this Sunday at Hope 10am. Invite and bring friends and family for a morning of worship, inspiration as we focus on Jesus Christ . Matthew 2:1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea...Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and  have come to worship him ."  OVERSEAS: CATCH US LIVE Catch our services live on Livestream :  here  or simply go to  here .  Our new Hope Church App will soon be available.  You can also give online:  here Pastor Paul Allen Hope Church Australia Box 35 Varsity Lakes Qld 4227 Australia Related articles Persia, Magi and Jesus (philoshonumphio