
Showing posts with the label Bigotry

Do Christians hate homosexuals?

English: Pagans kill Christians in Pliska. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) QUESTION : One conservative Christian recently wrote that in the battle for traditional marriage , “ Christians too often chose intolerance over charity when it came to how they treated gays.” Have we, as Christians, demonstrated a lack of love for gay people? ANSWER: No, we’ve been falsely accused of showing a lack of charity and a lack of love because that was very convenient to the arguments of the other side, a very effective tool. In fact, the overwhelming majority of people of all faiths who’ve been involved in the protection of marriage have gone out of their way, to proclaim the truth that all men and woman are precious. Human beings have a profound and inherent dignity, an equal dignity, as creatures made in the very image and likeness of the Divine Creator and Ruler of the Universe. This has never been something hidden. It has been frequently affirmed and re-affirmed, yet there are those who wish t