Billy Graham 99 - well done good and faithful servant

This morning the world woke to the news that Billy Graham, arguably the most recognized evangelist in history, has passed into glory. Born November 7, 1918, and born again at age 16 at a revival meeting, Graham became a household name for his evangelistic crusades. It’s safe to assume that most Christians in America personally know someone who was saved at a Billy Graham crusade . By the Lord’s grace, Graham had a formidable influence on the world for Christianity. These facts and statistics, gleaned from his Wikipedia page , give only part of the picture: Graham preached to live audiences nearing 215 million people in over 185 countries and territories. An estimated 3.2 million people accepted Christ as their savior at Graham’s crusades. Graham met personally with every sitting president from Harry Truman to Barack Obama and had close friendships with some of them. With the help of John Stott , Graham founded the Lausanne Movement , a gathering of around...