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George Whitefield considers when Christ is refused

George Whitefield, half-length portrait with hands raised, preaching in a church; portrait framed by oval. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) George Whitefield , preached “The Eternity of Hell -Torments,” in London in 1738. When the reality of the fate of those who perish in this life without Christ is again pressed upon one’s conscience, it always seems like a burden too great to bear. But, as Whitefield would say in the sermon , “If the bare mentioning the torments of the damned is so shocking, how terrible must the enduring of them be!” Truly this is the most solemn of subjects. But we as Christians — as preachers of the Gospel of Christ — we must give our minds and hearts to the biblical teaching of the unbeliever’s fate. And Whitefield has done us an excellent service. You can read the sermon in full here . As a preacher, it was instructive to observe the way Whitefield pled with his hearers to flee from the wrath to come. He was not content to simply parrot out a few stock