
Showing posts with the label Books of Hebrews

Seeing the Supremacy of God’s Final Revelation - Jesus

HEBREWS 1:3.  Verse 3 is an exposition of how the Son reveals the Father to us. The idea of “radiance” goes back to the notion of the shekinah glory in the Old Testament . The shekinah was a shining, visible glory that demonstrated the majesty of God , as in the exodus (Exod 13:21; 40:34-35) and at the dedication of Solomon’s temple (1 Kgs 8:10-11). Looking at Christ is the way we see most fully the glory of God.  More than that, Christ is the exact expression of the Father’s nature . Christ shares the divine nature with the Father as the Second Person of the Trinity . This is where the divine Son is different from a human son. No human son is the exact representation of his father. There is a close relation, but not an exact representation. Christ, however, is an “exact representation.” He and God are of the same divine essence. There are almost innumerable applications to the doctrine of the Trinity as expressed here in Hebrews 1 . For example, this is one of the reaso