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End Times confusion and Harold Camping!

Image via Wikipedia Apart from the sacraments, there is probably no division of systematic theology that is the source of more controversy than eschatology (the doctrine of the last things).  Among believing Christians , one finds amillennialists, postmillennialists, and premillennialists.  Among premillennialists, there are disputes over the relationship between the “rapture” and the “great tribulation.” In order to find one’s way through the maze, it is helpful to know about some of the better books on the subject. The following works are some of those I have found most helpful.  General Eschatology All of the standard systematic theology texts have sections on eschatology. Some of the more thorough discussions are those in Herman Bavinck’s  Reformed Dogmatics  and in Michael Horton’s  The Christian Faith .  There are also specialized works focusing on eschatology. Among the best are the following:  Cornelis Venema.  The Promise of the Future . Venema’s book is pro