
Showing posts with the label British

British Christians Say Four of the Ten Commandments Are Unnecessary

YouGov released a new poll that shows that the majority of British Christians no longer believe ALL of the Ten Commandments are important. According to the study, although the Ten Commandments have traditionally played a central role in Christianity, a majority of British Christians now believe that the FIRST FOUR are unnecessary. Notice what the Telegraph wrote on October 25: “[R]esearch has revealed that just six of [the commandments] are still important to British Christians. “Most Christians believe that four of the commandments are not ʻimportant principles to live by’ according to a YouGov poll. “The four which have fallen by the wayside are the requirement not to worship idols, use the Lord’s name in vain, to worship no other God , and to keep the Sabbath day holy.” In other words, the four commands “Christians” deem to be unimportant are the first four commandments—the ones that show us HOW TO LOVE GOD! Notice how Christ responded when a lawyer asked Him about the greate