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Authentic Fire Reviews Chapter 7 by Cripplegate: good or bad?

1.   Dr. Brown opens the chapter with a story about James Robison and how he used to be judgmental, until Billy Graham told him to “spend time with other believers you’ve been taught to avoid” (Kindle Location 3482), which transformed him and those whom he reached out to.  Dr. Brown makes the subtle insinuation that John MacArthur avoids other believers because he doesn’t think they are other believers.  Dr. Brown then quotes himself in saying that Heaven will be “a great eye-opener and a great mouth-closer. You will be surprised to see many people there, and many people will be surprised to see you there”  (Kindle Locations 3486-3487), and comments about how people like Bill Johnson and Mike Bickle get condemned by some and praised by others. Dr. Brown proves that MacArthur doesn’t believe charismatics are believers by pointing to this now infamous tweet: "We're not trying to divide the body of Christ with this conference. We're trying to identify the body o

Cessationist VS Charismatic on healing

Sola Scriptura and Therefore Charismatic Author: Cripplegate. Dr. Brown opens Chapter 6 by recounting his testimony as to why he believes healings and tongues are for today. He begins by telling about his coming to faith in Christ when he was 16 at a Pentecostal church . However, expectations of healing and supernatural happenings that never really materialized in his immediate circles caused him disillusionment. He left the Pentecostal church in 1977 and began pursuing Reformed, cessationist theology, [ AF,  164]. Becoming influenced by such books as B.B. Warfield’s  Counterfeit Miracles,  he swiftly separated himself from his early experience as a Pentecostal. When his sister-in-law was miraculously healed of an elbow injury, however, even having her injury called out from an audience of thousands by the speaker, Brown began to reevaluate his hard-heartedness toward miracles he had developed from his cessationist leaning ways. He then experienced his own personal reviv

Ideas have consequences: How Britain lost Christianity in one generation

The statue of C. S. Lewis in front of the wardrobe from his book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in East Belfast, Northern Ireland (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Craig Hazen’s comments in Biola Magazine on a book by Callum G. Brown titled The Death of Christian Britain should serve as both a warning and an encouragement to us: There is another part of Brown’s study that is truly provocative. And that is the speed at which he claims this massive shift took place that discarded the national Christian identity. Upon his analysis, and against traditional theories, Brown believes Christianity was lost in a single generation and maybe in as little as a 10- or 20-year time span.  His data is quite convincing on the question of the velocity of change. It was a catastrophic and abrupt cultural revolution. Of course, he then tried to paint a picture of how such a thing could happen so rapidly and he offered up a number of factors with special focus on the “feminization of Christianity.

Has the gift of healing ceased?

St. Paul healing the cripple at Lystra (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Dr. Michael L. Brown, a foremost Messianic Jewish apologist, believes the gift of healing continues in a powerful way, while Dr. James White, a director at Alpha and Omega Ministries, says the gift was to establish the authority of the Apostles at the time. Their debate was streamed live Saturday. We find in the Old Testament, beginning with Exodus 15:26, that God revealed Himself as Israel's healer, the divine physician of the nation, said Brown at the start of a live debate on Saturday evening. God promised that if they walk in obedience to Him, He would take sicknesses from their midst, he said. Deuteronomy 28 talks about covenantal curses, which included severe sickness and illness, and healing was a covenantal blessing, explained Brown, whose nationally-syndicated radio show, "The Line of Fire," airs throughout the United States. Healing was, of course, not automatic, but it was a

Does God speak loud or quiet?

English: Title page of The Holy Bible, King James version, 1772. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) ‎The Divine Being Himself was the speaker (De 5:12, 32, 33), in tones so loud as to be heard—so distinct as to be intelligible by the whole multitude standing in the valleys below, amid the most appalling phenomena of agitated nature. Had He been simply addressing rational and intelligent creatures, He would have spoken with the still small voice of persuasion and love.  But He was speaking to those who were at the same time fallen and sinful creatures, and a corresponding change was required in the manner of God ’s procedure, in order to give a suitable impression of the character and sanctions of the law revealed from heaven (Ro 11:5–9). Jamieson, R., Fausset , A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Ex 20:1). Oak Harbor, WA : Logos Research Systems, Inc. Related articles Oak Harbor, WA Gun Ban Repealed! City Council Meeting Turns