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How should Christians respond to cultural decline?

MSNBC (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In the great battle that is the culture war Christians are in rapid and chaotic retreat. On issues of sexuality we are deemed backward, hateful, and hypocritical. To speak in defense of marriage is, in the minds of the world, on par at best with denying the holocaust, at worst to perpetrating it. We have not just lost our place at the table, but in the building. We are on the outside looking in. First, accept it. I'm not suggesting surrender mind you. I am, however, suggesting that denying the obvious helps no one. Sure Fox wallops MSNBC . Of course abortion mills are shutting down. But the cultural ethos is still hostile to us, and it's only going to get worse. I fear that too often our fear is losing privilege, that we fight our rearguard action to protect wood, hay, and stubble. The reputations we too often seek to defend are our own, rather than our Lord's. Second, embrace it. The church historically has made its greatest gains when