
Showing posts with the label Bruno

Where did God as a universal soul emerge from?

The later of two Bruno portraits often uncritically accepted as genuine. Engraved by C. Meyer in Paris, first quarter of the 19th century (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In 1591, a restless philosopher named Giordano Bruno traveled to Venice at the invitation of a Venetian nobleman named Giovanni Mocenigo. When Bruno refused to share "magic" secrets with him, Mocenigo denounced him to the Inquisition. The Inquisition was only too happy to arrest Bruno. A former Dominican monk, Bruno had written satirical words against Christian systems in his book  The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast.  For years he had moved from city to city in Europe, falling out with his hosts wherever he went because he found fault and quarreled with every one and every system, especially Aristotalianism. He published heretical books and obscene plays. Bruno was enthusiastic about the Copernican theory that the planets circle the sun and he believed there are many other planets around other stars,