John Piper: Not my will- but may your will be done

“Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” Darkness had descended on Jerusalem . Its residents had finished their Passover meals. The lamb and unleavened bread had been consumed; the sandals, staffs, and belts put away (Exodus 12:1–11). In Caiaphas ’s house, a conference was underway with some members of the Sanhedrin, some officers of the temple guard, and one of Jesus ’s closest friends. In the secluded hillside olive garden of Gethsemane , just outside the city’s eastern wall opposite the temple, Jesus sat with his other eleven closest friends. The eleven friends could not stay awake. Jesus could not sleep. The Great Passover Unveiled Earlier that evening, Jesus had shared with his disciples the most marvelous Passover meal of all time, though his disciples only recognized this in retrospect. Jesus had “earnestly desired” to eat it with them (Luke 22:15). For the Great Passover, the one for which the Passove...