
Showing posts with the label Cain-Abel

Do you value God's amazing grace?

English: Cain and Abel (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD." ( Genesis 6:8 ) Genesis 3:15 clearly implies that Satan 's offspring and the woman's offspring will be at war until Satan is finally and fully crushed. Hence, we would expect to find accounts of battles between the two parties until the final blow is struck. Genesis 6:1-8 is one such account. "Sons of God " (their exact identity is unknown) were producing offspring with the daughters of men ( 6:1-2 ). Whatever these reproductive unions were, God was displeased with them: "My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years" ( 6:3 ). Both the word "striving" and the fact that God limited the existence of that generation to 120 years indicate His disapproval. Why would God have been angry? Shortly after these procreative acts, violence and wickedness were widespread

Was Eve the mother of all?

The First Mourning (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living." ( Genesis 3:20 ) Sarah , Abraham 's wife, was called the mother of all "the children of promise" ( Galatians 4:28 ), and the wife of Noah was the mother of all post-Flood mankind, but Mother Eve, alone, was "the mother of all living." "Adam was first formed, then Eve," Paul said in 1 Timothy 2:13 , and so-called "Christian evolutionists" have never yet been able to explain God 's unique formation of Eve's body in any kind of an evolutionary context. Eve, as our first mother, experienced all the great joys and great sorrows that all later mothers would know. She evidently had many "sons and daughters" ( Genesis 5:4 ), and probably lived to see many generations of grandchildren. With Adam, she had even known paradise, but sin had entered their lives when they rebelled ag