
Showing posts with the label California Proposition 8

Same-Sex Marriage and the Assault on Moral Reasoning

Image via Wikipedia Same-Sex Marriage and the Assault on Moral Reasoning by  Matthew J. Franck Even same-sex marriage advocates should recognize the bad logic in the ruling overturning Proposition 8 . It is something of a consolation, albeit a small one, that the best arguments advocates for a constitutional “right” to same-sex marriage can muster are so transparently bad. Disconnected from nature, from history, from the canons of legal reasoning, and even from the standards of logic itself, their arguments betray themselves at every turn, as acts of the will and not of reasoned judgment. When the advocate advancing the arguments wears a black robe and sits on the federal bench, of course, even falsehood and fallacy have a decent chance of ultimate victory. Such an advocate is Judge Vaughn Walker of the U.S. district court in San Francisco . After two and a half weeks of trial in January, and a day of closing arguments in June, he finally delivered his ruling and opinion in  P