
Showing posts with the label Canaaite

The Conquest of Canaan: Political or Cultural Genocide?

As much as I would like for it not to be so, the way we label things really does have an effect on the way people think. This is one of the reasons why propaganda is so effective. Call a particular group something or describe their beliefs or actions in a particular way long enough, and people will start to believe it.  For example, it is much easier to get a group of people to turn against others if you keep accusing them of being “enemies of humanity,” “on the wrong side of history,” or something of that nature. When God’s people and their Scriptures are attacked, it is often by having a label applied to them and then having that label repeated over and over again.  Want to get people to reject the Bible?   Accuse it of something that elicits an immediate emotional response, repeat the accusation long enough, and you can encourage people to reject large portions of the Bible or at least be embarrassed about certain portions of Scripture. This discussion bears on the u