
Showing posts with the label Canada

Gambling & Christians

New York Lottery (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Tonight a ticket will be chosen worth over half a billion dollars. Lottery agents in New York were selling 1.3 million Mega Millions tickets per hour Thursday. Officials were expecting to sell about 1.2 billion tickets total before the drawing. “Americans spend about $60 billion on the lottery every year,” says Stephen Dubner , co-author of “ Freakonomics .” “More than $500 per American household goes to playing the lottery.” ( CBS This Morning ) There are at least seven reasons you should not gamble with your money in this way — and should tell your congressmen not to support it. 1. It is spiritually suicidal. “Those who desire to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction. . . They have pierced themselves with many a pang” ( 1 Timothy 6:7–10 ). 2. It is a kind of embezzlement. Managers don’t gamble with their Master’s money. All you have belongs to God. All

New legal defense fund supports parents’ fight against gay agenda, moral relativism in schools

 In a first for  Canada , a group of volunteers has set up a fund to help defray the legal costs of parents who, fed up with government and scho Image via Wikipedia ol board policies aimed at eradicating all traces of  Judeo-Christian  morality from the education system, are willing to launch  lawsuits  to defend their  parental rights  to be the primary moral educators of their children. “Recognizing that average families don’t have $100,000 sitting around to pay for lawsuits, we’ve started this defense fund to provide financial assistance to families whose parental rights have been violated,” Lou Iacobelli, member of the board of directors and spokesperson for The Parental Rights in Education Defense Fund (PREDF), told LifeSiteNews. “To succeed though, we need people of faith to do their part by donating what they can to make this strategy a reality.” The Fund was created to help parents fight back, in the courts, against what its founders call a “belligerent government ideology” be

Mothers murders baby and Canada judge says: OK!

Image via Wikipedia Mark Steyn hit the nail on the head when he accused a Canadian appeals court of allowing for a “fourth-trimester abortion ” — that’s right, the killing of a baby that is already born. The case emerged from the Court of Queen’s Bench in Alberta, where a judge faced the fact that a woman had been convicted of strangling her newborn son and then throwing the baby’s body over the fence into her neighbor’s yard. As CBC News reported, the woman was given a three-year suspended sentence and will spend no time in jail for the killing of her baby. Katrina Efferts “will have to abide by conditions for the next three years but she won’t spend time behind bars for strangling her own son.” She continued: “Naturally, Canadians are grieved by an infant’s death, especially at the hands of the infant’s mother, but Canadians also grieve for the mother.” She also stated that the Canadian approach is a “fair compromise of all the interests involved.” Justice Joanne Veit, whose na

Canadians outraged after obscene anti-Christian album receives government funds

Image via Wikipedia Canadian punk group “Living with Lions” has drawn outrage for its obscene anti-Bible artwork and representation of Jesus Christ on their new album – funded by the Canadian government . The album, entitled “Holy S—-,” is designed to look like a Bible, with black cover and gold writing, yellow, faded pages, and lyric layout similar to Bible verses .   It is subtitled, “The Poo Testament,” and represents Christ as excrement. The group’s project was funded by the Canadian government through the Foundation Assisting Canadian Talent on Recordings (FACTOR), a fact the band acknowledges on its back cover.  FACTOR approved a $13,248 grant to Black Box Recordings Inc. to assist the band’s recording. The Minister of Canadian Heritage expressed his astonishment and concern with the offensive album in comments to the  Vancouver Sun  today. “The content of this CD is offensive and the fact that that it is clearly designed to offend a group of Canadians based on their fai