What does it mean to be NOT elected by God?
English: Icon of Jesus Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Decretum horribile. That's what John Calvin called the doctrine of reprobation (Institutes 3.23.7). It means the "awe-full decree." We've seen in the previous five parts of this series that our Triune God in His amazing grace has elected or predestined some of fallen humanity to salvation. In this final post, the question we are faced with is what of the rest of humanity? Reformed theology typically confesses what is known as double predestination . The Canons of Dort (CD) define this doctrine as "the express testimony of sacred Scripture that not all, but some only, are elected, while others are passed by in the eternal decree" (CD 1.15). This is a very serious confession. Let me focus our hearts on the biblical teaching before addressing two practical struggles this doctrine can bring up. Is this Doctrine Biblical ? I begin with whether this doctrine is biblical because Scripture is the fou