
Showing posts with the label Cardboard box

Truth in advertising

We all know it.  It’s a fact we all live with.  The food that we see on all of the fast food advertisements   never  look like what’s lurking inside that cardboard box . The following images present them side-by-side, thus showing the contrast between advertising and reality.  There’s a fine-line between putting your best foot forward, and bearing false witness. Related articles The truth about advertising junk food to children: It works ( You Wasting Money on Marketing & Advertising too? [Norman Feiner] ( Lexus breaks advertising rules ( Do me a favor please... ( Is McDonald's Coffee Success Strong Enough to Last? ( Largest Advertising Budgets ( AVL Inc. Expands Its Holdings to Include FrogBox Franchise ( The Truth About Twitter Advertising ( Deceptive Advertising 2 (Result) (